the wedding party

Meet Yves & Garry’s wedding party



Yves is my older sister and Garry is my other sister’s older brother, which makes it kind of weird to think that my kind of brother is now becoming my real brother by marrying my actual sister. But it’s chill. Over the years, I’ve been able to see their friendship blossom into a relationship into a true partnership, and for that, I’m really proud of them and the people they have become together, and I just really appreciate that no matter how old I get, they always help me remind myself of how young I really am because they will always be older.


sally ly | Maid of Honor

“This is Sally. She doesn’t know anyone here. Will you be her friend?” was how I was first introduced to Yves when we were 12.

For the last 20 years, through all of life’s biggest milestones, I’ve been lucky enough to call Yves my best friend. I can’t imagine doing life without her, and often joke that they’re going to have to either bury us together in one coffin (I call top bunk!) or mix our cremated ashes together. Garry first came into our lives in high school but it wasn’t really until they started dating that I really got to know him. He who some may call “Scary Garry” is in fact, not so scary. In the past few years I’ve seen how generous and loyal Garry is to his friends and family, and how kind and caring he could be to even strangers, but most importantly, I’ve see how much he loves Yves. Garry loves Yves and is never afraid or shy to show it - and I love that about him. Garry only rather recently came to the rough realization that I was going to be in his life for as long as Yves was.

Well Garry, I guess you’re stuck with me until death do us part too!

Garry Trinh & his Grooms


Kenneth Nguyen | Best man

Garry, Yves, and I didn't really start to hang out until senior year or a little bit after, even then, it was more of a group setting. After a series of "You down?" and "I'm down" exchanges with Garry, we became close friends, some would even say best friends. On our trip to San Francisco, even though we were all just friends at the time, I definitely felt that there was a different dynamic between Garry and Yves. That's when I first thought they would be together. Over the years their relationship has developed from friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, and now the next step is husband/wife. I admire their commitment and willingness to do what's best for each other. On the wedding day, I look forward to seeing Garry and Yves start their own family.

Diane Trinh | Groomswoman

Garry is my one and only older brother. I have always said that if I ever had kids, I would hope to have a son first, only because having an older brother has been one of the best blessings I’ve had in my life. As for Yves, she’s been a sister to me long before she ever dated my brother. Growing up in my 20s with the both of them has led to some of the most memorable and unforgettable times of my life, and I couldn’t be more grateful I get to stand by both of them as they get married.